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Neue EU-Studie zu „Film Financing and the Digital Single Market”

16. Januar 2019

Geschäftsstelle Berlin
T 030 20670880

„This report studies the role of territoriality in film  financing, the legal and market challenges territoriality faces as a key model for film financing and the consequences if EU policies were to  reduce or mitigate the scope of territorial exclusivity in the audiovisual sector” – so lautet die Zusammenfassung einer neuen Studie des Institute for Information Law (IViR) für das Europäische Parlament, welches sich mit der Film-Finanzierung im digitalen Binnenmarkt beschäftigt. Research for CULT Committee – Film Financing and the Digital Single Market: its Future, the Role of Territoriality and New Models of Financing

(frei zugänglich)
